The Garden of Our Hearts!



Over the last couple of weeks I have been creating a picture in my mind about my heart and little seeds. So when I am praying I begin telling God to remove the bad seeds that have been sown during the day by the enemy and to sow in me good seed.

Out of the overflow of the heart the mouth speaks. Whatever comes from our mouths usually originates from our hearts. Passion and Love are because the heart is full of them. Bitterness and Anger are because the heart is full of them. So we are basically a mirror of our hearts. If we emit positive energy, hope and love that is what our hearts are full of and we shall also attract like minded individuals. And the contrary is also true when we emit negative energy.

Life grows and blooms, here, now, today. Every day you are planting new seeds in your garden that will produce a harvest, here on Earth and in Eternity. Every gardener has to tend his or her own garden if they want the joy of seeing it in full bloom.

Dig deep. Plant well. Be expectant. Miracles abound when we have put good seed in rich soil.

Today, as I was cleaning my house, I though about how people have become evil and their intents so damning! The society is so sick and life is just going on. Killings, jealousy, strife, hatred, divorce and all this negative staff are the order of the day nowadays. You definitely know a sick society when people decide to live the way they want and not minding what their neighbors will think of them.

But for you Child of God, make it your aim, to tend on the garden of your life. Ask God to prune your garden for you and uproot every bad seed that has been planted by the enemy while you were on spiritual slumber. 

Lord Jesus, let our lives reflect Your life in every way, every day and may the harvest be pleasing to You.

God bless you!

Winnie 💜
