The Only Medicine for My Crushed Bones…
Its Furahi-day! Has the Lord been good to you through the week? For me, the Lord has been awesome, and He has filled my heart with a song amid all the troubles, challenges and fear. He has surely been good!
As I was meditating on today’s passages following the Bible in one year with Nicky Gumbel the Lord dropped two messages into my Spirit and I am going to share with you my dear reader. Here Is one of them.
Psalms 51:8 “Let me hear joy and gladness; let the bones you have crushed rejoice”. The Psalmist, who was David was in agony and he poured it to the Lord in this Chapter. He is asking the Lord for mercy because of the sins that he had committed. David wrote this Psalm when the Prophet Nathan came to challenge him after he had committed adultery with Bathsheba and then sinned greatly by trying to cover the sin up.
So, in deep repentance, David turned to the Lord and the results of the prayer of repentance, David exclaims, “Let me hear joy and gladness, let the bones you have crushed rejoice”. There is nothing like joy, and gladness that follow total forgiveness. But why did he mention his bones?
Prov 17:22 “A joyful heart is good medicine, but a crushed spirit dries up the bones.” To be crushed is to be beaten down and this happens mainly on the inside- in our spirits and it can have a negative impact on our bones as well.
Did you know that sadness, grief, emotional trauma, hate, unforgiveness all crush our spirits and affect a normal functioning of the body? That’s why when David’s sins were forgiven, he exclaimed, let the bones you have crushed rejoice! When our bones are crushed, it can be easily seen on the outside, you walk around feeling beaten down and angry and there’s no joy in your heart.
The best medicine for your crushed bones, is only one thing, JOY!
Dr. William Fry, a Stanford University Medical student made a career studying the benefits of ‘’mirthful laughter’’. He pointed out that laughter can change moods which will in turn impact our blood pressure, respiration and even physical body pain.
Journalist Norman Cousins, a Professor for the School of Medicine at the University of California also incorporated a positive attitude, love, faith, hope and laughter in his battle against heart disease.
Dr. Lee Berk, Loma Linda University School of Medicine who is also an expert on the therapeutic value of humor, noted that if he could come up with a medicine that accomplished all the positive things that laughter can produce in the body, then he’d earn a noble prize.
Laughter, joy, happiness, faith, love all the positive energy can lift your bones from a crushed state and reinstate you into a better place!
Laughter is the best medicine!
Have you smiled today? Could we look at all the bad news all day in the news bulletin and afford a smile really? Sometimes it better to watch sitcoms like Friends, because then you forget what you’re going through and smile all day.
I have made up my mind from henceforth, I will not allow anything or anyone near me who tries to sap out my joy. I have battled negative energy for so many years and honestly, I got so fed up and one day I had a meeting with myself and started to examine all the little negative bugs that were around my life, and I started dropping them one by one! Including people! I am really concerned about the energy I invite and that I give. Because negative energy attracts negative energy! So, lets begin emitting some positive energy friends!
Fill you heart with love, joy, peace and all the wonderful memories. Strive not to stay bogged down by the very many challenges we face each day! Have faith that the Lord who forgave David from his iniquities, is more than faithful to make your bones rejoice once again!
Smile today! It makes the world a better place!
God bless you!
Winnie. 💜
Blessed!! 😊