The Wilderness and My Personal Journey..


The Wilderness! A dry place with no shelter and just struggles, tears and unending toils.

Hi friends and welcome today as I share and ponder on my wilderness journey. This is non-fiction.

The Israelites were God’s beloved sons and daughters, and God was pained with the struggles that He saw His people going through in Egypt and He had to look for a man to get them out of that land. And Moses was appointed by God to get the Israelites out of Egypt into their promised land, the land flowing with milk and honey!

The journey from Egypt to Canaan was to take 11 days! But Because of their disobedience, fear, rebellion, etc., what should have taken 11 days, now would take 40 years. What a contrast and tragedy! The losses weren’t just for those fighting men the age of 20 and older who would not enter the Promised Land, but consider how many millions had to wait for the 40 years to end? If you were 10 years old, now you are 50 entering the land.

By staying the course with God’s plan and ways, they would have gotten to where God wanted them to be in about 11 days, but instead, it became an arduous 40-year sojourn…. How many of us have either done something similar or became victims of other offenses? How many times could we have gotten through things much quicker, but because of our failings, we end up prolonging our situation? Like asking for forgiveness after we have done wrong, but we maintain a prideful stubborn mentality and stay or become further estranged in relationship. Then we forfeit the promised land of reconciliation.

11 days versus 40 years.

How many delays about God’s best in people’s lives can we point to because of backslidden lifestyles that God will not honor and people take a lifetime to get back on track, if ever. If we would follow God’s plans, truths, ways, and principles, we could short track ourselves into healthier and happier lives for only Eleven days versus 40 years.

From my own experience, I have disobeyed God many times and found myself on the 40 year road. I remember when I was searching for a job fresh from Campus and how overwhelmed I was. Things were rough for me and the heavens were brass!

I was feeling closed doors all around, but I went through the 40 year journey (not literally though), but I only started to see the heavens responding to my prayers for a good job after a very long time! I remember one time I was walking on a dusty road, all broke and I didn’t know where I was going. I got so tired, I found some shade, sat down with some water I had bought and told God in tears, to ‘’remember me.’’ I have been through wilderness because I wasn’t doing what God wanted me to do and I wasn’t living up for His glory!

I am now focused on another area of my life that has been through a hell of wilderness. But we are getting there.

Eleven days versus 40 years. If we want to get to any promises that God has for us, we need to go the way he wants us to, otherwise, what should take a short while comparatively speaking, may take the better part of our lives. What happens when we or an influencing family member goes against God’s expressed purposes for our lives is that we delay or deny what his plans are for us. This creates a void, forfeiture or drawback of what should be blessings in our days.

Let’s make the choice today!

11 days because of total obedience or 40 years because so what?

Be wise!

God bless you!

Winnie. 💜

